Supporting Families and Communities

Michael has lived in Dorset for over 20 years, and knows the importance of local communities. He has visited and worked with hundreds of individuals, community groups and charities across Mid Dorset and North Poole.


I was lucky enough to be raised in a very secure family, and when I have any free time, I like to spend it with my family. Supporting families is very important to me, as is supporting community groups and charities across Mid Dorset and North Poole. In many cases I know that these groups can become like a family to people they support – whether faith groups, community groups like the Men’s Sheds, or residents’ groups like the Association of Residents in Canford Heath.

Mid Dorset and North Poole has varied communities, and each one has opportunities and challenges. I’m keen to help where I can, working alongside community leaders, councillors and others to make MDNP a great place to live.


Michael Welcomes Childcare Changes

Supporting Families is one of Michael's key priorities, and childcare is an issue affecting thousands of people across Mid Dorset and North Poole.

Walking Rugby in Wimborne

Michael was invited to Wimborne RFC to hear about their plans for a new clubhouse and pitches. Michael played rugby at school, but having switched to hockey in his mid-teens, he has not played any rugby for some years.

Michael Visits Wimborne Town FC

Michael visited Wimborne Town FC, and was shown round by their club manager Jimmy Glass. Jimmy updated Michael about the club's plans for their site, and they discussed the recent successes of the team.

Soroptimists launch Fresh Thoughts

Michael was pleased to attend the launch of the Poole Purbeck Soroptimists new Fresh Thoughts booklet, along with Dorset’s Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick. Fresh Thoughts is an information booklet for front-line workers in Dorset who support women who are experiencing Domestic Abuse.

Michael welcomes Budget

Michael has welcomed the Government’s Spring Budget 2024, saying that it backs working people, pensioners, families and businesses across Mid Dorset and North Poole.

This year’s Budget includes:

Royal British Legion Meeting

Michael was delighted to meet with members of the local branches of the Royal British Legion (RBL) earlier this month. 

Michael Attends moving service

Michael was honoured to be asked to participate in the Holocaust Memorial Day service in Wimborne Minster. This is an annual event, commemorating those who were murdered by the nazis during World War 2.

Michael welcomes Investment in local Sports Facilities

Michael Tomlinson  has welcomed the news that Mid Dorset and North Poole will benefit from over £9,000 in new funding as a result of the Government’s long-term investment in grassroots sports.  As a keen sportsman, Michael knows the importance of keeping active and healthy.