This week is volunteers week - a week to thank volunteers in our community.
Thousands of people give hours of their time across Mid Dorset and North Poole doing volunteering. Whether for young people at youth clubs or with our uniformed organisations, helping older people in the community with tasks like shopping and driving to the doctor, through small-scale events like litter-picks, or through more formal civil functions like giving up time to serve on parish and town councils, volunteers are the backbone of our community. Many people also give up their time for faith-based organisations - our PCCs in churches, fundraising, outreach and through organisations like faithworks and CAP.
Michael has volunteered all his adult life in various ways - with local youth groups, at litter-picks, doing pro-bono work when still working as a barrister, leading a walking bus to school, and being on the committee for organising local fetes. He still give up a week every summer to volunteer on an annual Christian youth holiday camp.
He said:
Most of us volunteer because we care about some aspect of our community, and we want to give back some of our time. many people volunteer in unseen roles, and I want to extend my thanks to those people working hard for our community. Whatever volunteering that you do, it helps our local area and our community - so thank you and well done for giving up your time.