News from Michael Tomlinson MP
During late July and August Parliament has its summer recess, when Members of Parliament are able to spend more time in their constituencies. At the start of the summer I was delighted to be able to host a group of work experience students in my constituency office. They spent several days doing a variety of activities including administrative tasks and research. They assisted with the mailing of a survey to local residents, and drafted a press release. After extensive research and discussion, they held a formal political debate, presenting their arguments to my staff and me.
They also came along to my street stall surgeries which were held in three different locations in the constituency. I hold regular appointment surgeries in the constituency, and my street stalls are a more informal way for local residents to have the chance to chat to me and raise any issues they might have.
Over the summer I was involved in various meetings, including being a keynote speaker in a seminar at a conference. I have also had informal meetings with other Members of Parliament to discuss a variety of issues, including funding for infrastructure and education.
I took the chance to have a holiday with my family, and we have enjoyed using the new library app “Libby”. Once you have downloaded the app, you can register your library card and borrow e-books from the South West library system. You can find out more details from the Poole and Dorset library websites. My children are aiming to complete the free library summer reading challenge “Animal Agents” to get a certificate and medal at the end of the summer. For more details please visit the websitewww.summerreadingchallenge.org.uk or your local library.
Recess has also given me the opportunity to do lots of reading and research – not to get a certificate, but to ensure that I am up to date with a variety of topics, including international affairs for my new role in the Department for International Development.
I spent a week volunteering as a leader on an annual Christian youth camp, which always provides the chance to hone my skills of persuasion trying to convince teenagers to go to sleep! I hope that you have enjoyed your summer and that you are looking forward to the challenges and opportunities of the new season.
I continue to hold regular surgeries for constituents. If you have an issue that you need help with, please do get in touch; email me on[email protected] or contact my office on 01202 624216. You can also follow what I’ve been doing on Twitter @Michael4mdnp or Facebookwww.facebook.com/michael4MDNP