I offer work experience opportunities to students who live in the Mid Dorset and North Poole constituency. The placement gives young people an insight into the world of politics and a chance to boost their skills.
I will be offering work experience in my constituency office later this year. Please apply using the form below if you are interested, after reading the following information:
Details of a work experience placement
How you will spend your week will depend on the time of year when you come. We aim to offer a range of experiences to students. Successful candidates will spend time – usually between three days and a week - on a range of tasks. They will take part in a range of activities that give a flavour of various different aspects of the world of politics. By way of example, participants may get involved with:
- Casework, depending on the age and ability of the student.
- Researching and preparing briefs on particular topics or issues
- Taking press cuttings or drafting press releases
- Attending meetings of my parliamentary staff
- Accompanying me to meetings or events in Parliament or around the constituency
- Assisting with general administrative tasks in the office
- Observing Parliamentary debates
- Preparing and participating in debates with other students
- Campaigning with the MP and political volunteers - delivering surveys and leaflets, and knocking on doors (canvassing)
- Question & Answer sessions with local councillors
- Question & Answer sessions with civil servants
Work experience is always unpaid. Although some tasks may be set to give a real-world idea of the work of a Member of Parliament’s office, hosting a work experience student is an additional load on my parliamentary staff. If the cost of travel or purchasing food during the work experience period is likely to be a challenge due to hardship, please flag this at the time of applying and we may be able to help you approach your school, college, local authority or other bodies who may be able to help.
When I have students in my office for work experience, I ask them to write something about their experience. You can read their contributions in the drop-down lists on the left.
Residency and age
In general, work experience is only available to students whose home address is in the constituency. Please ensure that you include your full home address with any request although if you are at university supply your term time contact details as well. You will need to be in year 12 or above, and at least 17 years old at the time any work experience commences.
Location & Length of placement
We usually offer between 3-5 days placement, depending on the Parliamentary timetable. This will usually be in the constituency office, and there may be the opportunity to spend a day in London in Parliament if the House is sitting. This might include a tour of Parliament, to watch debates in the House of Commons and House of Lords and possibly meetings of Select Committees or All-Party Parliamentary Groups. Transport will need to be arranged by the student, though we may be able to reimburse costs.
How to apply
To apply please complete the work experience application form below, and email to michael.tomlinson.mp@parliament.uk If you have a CV, please also enclose a copy. We recognise that many school students will not yet have this, although a CV will be expected from undergraduates. If you are a school student without a CV, please make a simple one-page bullet-point summary of your educational background and outside interests. There are no firm criteria for selection though the ability to demonstrate a clear interest in politics and current affairs commensurate with your age definitely helps.
Ahead of your placement
Please inform us in good time of any additional requirements from your school or university, such as health and safety declarations or risk assessments, which will need to be completed before you begin.
Before starting your placement, you will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement, agreeing not to retain or share any sensitive information you come across during your placement – this is because MPs offices handle personal information from members of the public and other bodies, and it is required in order for us to remain compliant with the relevant data protection legislation.
You will also be asked to supply contact details (phone and email) of a parent/guardian/next of kin.